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The HND section is a run down on the units that are required to atain the HND in Nautical science Part 1 the Part 2 section is in the mate menus |
This is for information only as it is no longer possible to start an hnd via tis route Unit 41 - Shipping Industry Studies Aims 1. To provide, as part of the induction of new students to the shipboard environment, an awareness of a ship's onboard management organisation and of the hazards/safety procedures associated with the sea as a working environment. 2. To introduce students to the structure of the United Kingdom shipping industry and the role of various national and international organisations involved in the management and regulation of shipping. 3. To introduce students to maritime trade practices and the associated transport system. Principal Objectives 1. Describe the structure of the United Kingdom shipping industry, identify the various institutions and describe their roles in the commercial management and operation of shipping. 2. State the various national government agencies and international organisations involved in regulating the safety of shipping operations and describe their respective organisation and roles in this context. 3. Explain the commercial patterns for the employment of ships in the context of maritime trade and associated transport systems. 4. Describe the organisation of ports and harbours in the context of the demands made by ships and trade generally. Unit 42 - Mathematics Aims 1. To develop the trai.nee''s competence to use mathematics as a too! in relation to the technologies associated with the safe and efficient operation of a ship. 2. To ensure the trainee's mathematical knowledge and ski!.ls are adequate to support the learning process in other units of this course. Principal Objectives 1. Evaluate algebraic expressions, solve equations and use giaphical methods. 2. Use exponents and logarithms 3. Solve trigonometrical problems, both plane and spherical. 4. Calculate areas and volumes. 5. Use of vectors. 6. Discuss the geometrical properties of conic sections. 7. Apply the methods of differential calculus. 8. Demonstrate a knowledge of integration. 9. Demonstrate a knowledge of probability and statistics. 10. Use and manipulate inequalities I.inear programming. Unit 43 ' Marine Applied Science Aims 1. To develop a sound knowledge of the fundamentals of applied science applicable to shipboard and marine environments. 2. To provide an introduction to basic meteorology and shipboard meteorological instruments, so that meaningful observations can be taken during the second sea phase. 3. To integrate with other units in the course in the development of the analytical processes and safe working practices which will be required whilst undergoing industrial training at sea. 4. To satisfy the Department of Transport Class 3 (Deck) Certificate requirements for Applied Science. Principal Objectives Includes the study of dynamics, vectors, moments, machines, strength of materials, angular motion, pressure in fluids, waves, sound, light, magnetism, combustion, applied electricity and electronics, radio, heat, gases and vapours, meteorology. Unit 44 - Computer Applications Aims 1. To introduce students to the use, principles and applications of computers and the purpose of software. 2. To give the students practice and familiarity with the use of a computer and the use of applications packages, both general and specific to the marine industry. Principal Objectives 1. Understands the use of application of computers. (Introduction to PCs and their applications on board ship) 2. Understands the structure of computer hardware. (Introduction to computer systems topology) 3. Understands the function of software in a computer system. (Operating systems including MSDOS. General Application programs ncluding Word Processing, Spreadsheets and Databases. Shipboard Application Programs including Tidal Predictions, Simple Loading programs. Distance Tables. CAL including Rule of the Road program) 4. Analyses the use of computer for a given case study. 5. Uses marine application packages in a solution of problems. (Simple exercises using Tidal, Loading and Distance programs) Unit 45 - Navigation Aims To enable the student to become proficient in certain techniques, calculations and practical skills used in navigation. To provide a sound basis for the further development of theoretical and practical aspects of navigation Principal Objectives A. Terrestrial Navigation 1. Understands the system of co-ordinates used to fix position on the earths surface. 2. Knows the properties of and information contained on Navigational Charts. 3. Determines course and distance between two positions. 4. Fixes a vessels position by means of a visual bearings of terrestrial objects 5. Knows the function and basic principles of the magnetic compass. 6. Understands the cause of tides and obtains tidal data from relevant publications. 7. Determines water and ground tracks. B. Celestial Navigation 1. Understands the system co-ordinates used to find position on the celestial sphere. 2. Uses the Nautical Almanac to extract data relevant to the Sun. 3. Use sextant and chronometer to obtain altitude and time. 4. Obtains a position line by observation of the Sun. 5. Obtains the compass error by observation of the Sun. C. Electronic Systems (ENS Stage A) 1. Understands the nature and use of specific electronic navigation systems. 2. Correctly operates the instruments relevant to the systems in (1) above. 3. Correctly uses the information derived from the instruments in (2) above to safely navigate the vessel. Unit 46 - General Sbw Knowledge Aims 1. To introduce the student to the basic constructional features and general layout of merchant ships. To ensure that the student is aware of the stresses to which a ship may be subjected and the constructional features used to resist them. 2. To introduce the student to the basic features of the propulsion and auxiliary machinery on board ship. 3. To ensure that the student has a knowledge of the requirements for ships to carry safety equipment. Principal Objectives 1. Identify different types of merchant ship, and appreciate the reasons for thi.s particular design. 2. Identify the main functional areas of a ship arid their operational features. 3. Identify main features of deck machinery. 4. Identify the condor ctional features of a ship including those which are designed to resist stresses. 5. Identify the main features of different types of propulsion and auxiliary machinery. 6. Determine the Life Saving Appliances, and Fire-lighting Equipment to be carried on board ship. Unit 47 " Cargo Operations Aims To enable the student to assess the ships initial stability and the factors to be considered in the carriage of cargoes. Principal Objectives The student will be able to:- 1. Understand and apply the principles of flotation. 2. Apply the theory of righting levers to small angles of heel and to distinguish between stable and unstable equilibrium. 3. Determine the condition of a vessel's transverse stability following changes in the position of cargo, fuel and stores. 4. Demonstrate a knowledge of good cargo stowage methods. Unit 48 - Marine Operations Aims 1. (a) To understand the importance of safety procedures and equipment on board ship, with regard to both statutory requirements and practical application. (b) To develop practical skill in handling ropes and wires. 2. To provide the student with an understanding of the duties of an officer with regard to - (a) Watchkeeping (b) Ship manoeuvring (c) Collision avoidance (d) Operational Safety Principal Objectives 1. (a) Understand how the ship's workforce is organised, and the need for safety procedures. (b) Consult publications relating to safe practice, and to participate in emergency drills. (c) Use life-saving appliances correctly. (d) Identify and safely use the types of rope found onboard ship. 2. (a) Assist the O.O.W. (b) Understand the effects of propeller and rudder on ship manoeuvring. (c) Construe and apply the International Regulations for the Prevention of Collision at Sea. (d) Describe the safe operation of deck equipment. (e) Describe the care and maintenance of Life Saving and Fire Fighting appliances. |